Charlie spoke about an Anniversary Aug 17th 57 years.
Debbie gave in honor of Jeane and Craig’s pickleball contest, and she put in 11 bucks for Jeane’s score and 3 bucks in honor for Craig’s score.
Jim gave for glorious weather, in Washington, Oregon daytime highs for the past two weeks. 45 years ago, he served with Duke’s Mayo hot tomato contest, which honors winner’s in community service in Charlotte area. Moo and Brew is a venture of his located on Central Ave and Trade Street enjoy the celebration.
Morrie gave for the third child and eight grandchild and one is currently in labor!
Panico gave for Bill Baker he turned 80 and he had a great visit with old friend. Zach didn’t make the concert and not rain. Craig perfectly timed arrival as the last trash bag was being tied.
Jeff Had been helping in Robeson County for aid and relief to Debbie Storm victims.
Joanie will be going on Rhodes Scholar educational trip.
Mike gave and didn’t talk anymore.
Andie gave for her first CART presentation to a club that raised close to $90,000 donated to the cause, very grateful.